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Articulator LABO-MATE 600H


Product Code: 490027


Country: Taiwan


Fully adjustable articulator 600H.

This is condylar type articulator which is used for both dentulous and
edentulous cases.
The sagittal condyle path can be adjusted from -20° to 70°.
The immediate side shift can be adjusted from 0 to 3 mm.
The Bennett's angle can be adjusted from 0° to 30°.
The protrusion can be adjusted from 0 to 7mm, the retrusion is 0 to 2 mm.
The height can be raised separately on both sides, from 0 to 3.5 mm.
Each articulator has been calibrated by 3D calibrator. The model can be
switched from one articulator to another with complete assurance.

Package: 1 x Articulator LABO-MATE 600H; 6 x Plastic plate; 2 x Rubber ring; 5 x Dental plates (0°, 100R, 125R, 140R, 160R); 1 x Dental plate base; 1 x Allen wrench.

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