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BC Universal RRM, 10 pcs. x 0.25 g


Product Code: 050101

Manufacturer: FKG Dentaire Sarl

Country: Switzerland


BC Universal RRM, 10 pcs. x 0.25 g

Capsule premixed paste.
Indications: pulp capping, repair of root perforation, repair of root resorption, root-end filling, apexification.
Highly Biocompatible.
Antibacterial effects by alkaline pH.
Appropriate setting time for application.
High dislodgement and compressive strength.
Low solubility.

BC Universal RRM has high biocompatibility, pH and mineralization ability:
BC Universal RRM does not create inflammatory response;
High pH > 11;
Forms coherent interface with no particle separation;
High mineralization ability:
BC Universal RRM forms extensive apatite crystals on the surface;
BC Universal RRM provokes better cell adhesion and cell spreading vs. white MTA;

BC Universal RRM excellent physical properties:
Excellent compressive strength (around 100 MPa);
Superior dislodgement resistance due to excellent bonding to dentin;
High stability due to good hydration reaction;
Low solubility;
Properties measured according to ISO 6876:2012:
– Flow: 9.3 ± 0.2 mm;
– Film thickness: 38.8 ± 4 µm;
– Appropriate setting time for application:
• Initial: 5 ± 2min;
• Final: 45 ± 5 min;
– Radiopacity: 5.4 mmAl;
Excellent color stability;

Package: BC Universal RRM 0.25 g x 10 capsules.