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BIB forte eco, 5 L


Product Code: 171906

Manufacturer: Alpro dental produkte GmbH

Country: Germany


BIB forte eco, 5 L

Manual cleaning and disinfection of instruments.
Liquid concentrate free of aldehydes, phenols and QAC for the non protein fixing cleaning and disinfection of medical and dental instruments, rotating precision instruments and endoscopes.
Tested on instruments of company Komet, furthermore approved and recommended by Acurata, Busch & Co, Dentsply Maillefer, VDW, Helmut Zepf, Hager & Meisinger and Oridima.
• in immersion bath:
acc. to EN (bactericidal incl. TBC 0,5 % - 60 minutes
+ yeasticidal) 2,0 % - 30 minutes
+ limited spectrum of virucidal activity
according to prEN 16777
• in ultrasonic device:
acc. to EN (bactericidal incl. TBC 3,0 % - 10 minutes
+ yeasticidal) 4,0 % - 5 minutes
• limited spectrum of virucidal activity according to EN 14476 (40°C)
• virucidal according to EN 16777 („high level“ according to DVV 2012) after the pre-cleaning with AlproZyme.

Durability in use:
7 days at normal contamination.

Material compatibility:
The extremely high corrosion-inhibiting properties could be improved by the QAC-free formulation, thus instruments sensitive to corrosion get optimal protection.
Even with occasional exceeding of contact time BIB forte eco is absolutely compatible with the materials.
Active ingredient basis:
Modern combination of alkylamine and biguanide.
Package: 5 liters.