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Darsonval Dermo Lux HF100

Product Code: 790024-3

Manufacturer: BIOMAK Sylwester Kielbowski i Karol Kielbowski Sp.J.

Country: Poland


This apparatus is an handle shaped electronic device for massage and therapy with the use of so-called d'Arsonval currents.
The effect of the electric charges widens the blood vessels in the skin and hastens metabolism, which is an important factor in increasing the absorption of nutrients and therapeutic substances.
This apparatus is equipped with:
1 electode: mushroom (Code 00501)
Technical data:
power supply 230V, 50Hz (or 110V, 60Hz)
power input 20 W
dimensions 230 mm
weight 0,8 kg

Contact the manager for more detailed information tel. no.: +37061689900