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Grapple for people with disabilities AT51123


Product Code: 550361

Manufacturer: Antar Sp. J.A. Tarnkowski

Country: Poland


Gripper for disabled people

! IMPORTANT: From 01.07.2023, you can receive compensation when purchasing mobility aids. Read more about it.

If you have any questions, call mob. phone: +370 603 32567.

Extremely comfortable and light gripper for seniors is a great helper during ordinary activities. It is ideal as an aid when picking up items from the floor as well as when removing items from high shelves. Its long and solid handle means that you do not have to bend down or strain your hands. An uncomplicated and very easy to use gripper for people with disabilities will increase the comfort of everyday life.

Total length: 82.2 cm
Total width: 12.5 cm
Clamp opening width: 9.3 cm
Total height: 4.5 cm
Total weight: 0.15 kg
Maximum item weight: 1kg
Pieces: 1 piece.

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