Pulpogel, 2,4 g
Product Code: 190017
Manufacturer: Chema-Elektromet Spoldzielnia Pracy
Country: Poland
Pulpogel, 2,4 gComposition
Ferric sulfate - 20%, gelling agent, purified water.
Preparation on the basis of ferric sulfate is intended for pulpotomy - for vital amputation in primary teeth.
Preparation is useful for minor bleeding control that is a result of dental treatment.
Action description
Gel inducts haemostasis: during contact with blood it forms protein-sulfate complexes, which are closing blood vessels. It's advantage is simplicity and quickness of application: rub it into the pulp horns. Next, in case of vital pulpotomy, after removal from the chamber (by air and water-flow) apply ZOE and final restoration.
Preparation may be used as a haemostatic agent for capillary hemorrhage during intraoral procedures. Strongly rubbed in bleeding tissue, it forms clots of coagulated blood located in orifice of capillary. Rubbing also cuts off part of a clot that is standing out of the vessel's level and forms a cap permanently closing the vessel. Tissues should be cleaned by a strong flush of air and water-flow, which removes clots, remains of gel and verifies effectiveness of haemostasis.
Package: 2,4 g.